Intellectual Property Solutions for the New Millennium
 Trademark & Copyright Services
Our attorneys fee for preparation and delivery of a basic Federal Application for Trademark or Servicemark is only $775 including official filing fees, and $525 for each additional class.

The Basic Fee includes attorney preparation of the application forms, creation of the required drawing page and express courier filing of copies, prints and specimens delivered to the United States Patent & Trademark Office.

There are no additional fees for routine updates during the reporting period while we keep our clients updated on official correspondence and publication dates. There are no additional fees for mailing the Registration certificate, once received, nor for our special bonus: The A&S Trademark Usage Guide.
The Basic fees do not include any government filing fees, search or clearance services, advisory opinions nor priorities based on Foreign registrations and filings, complex designations of trademark classifications, design or graphical drafting, nor other service fees, if required for responses to official actions, amendments, oppositions, objections and appeals. Any such additional services will be billed at our Hourly Rate (H/R$) plus nominal expenses.

Official Government Fees (GF) for filing Trademark Applications are currently $325/class.

The Basic Fee for preparing and filing an application for U.S. Copyright Registration is only $499, which includes the government filing fees

Learn more about Copyright law and the benefits of registration, HERE!

Apply for trademark, copyright or domain name NOW on our secure server!
 Domain Name, Keyword, Meta Tag and Translation Services
At A&A, we find solutions to protect domain names which may be incapable of obtaining trademark registrations.

Internet Domain names can be sometimes generic; sometimes capable of functioning as a trademark; and sometimes infringe on the rights of others. At A&S, we are adept at handling domain name disputes when new registrations bear similarities in the look, sound, meaning or spelling to other, more senior trademark proprietors.

Whether it be celebrity names, fan sites, or business competitors, we can help negotiate the sale or transfer of disputed domains. In cases of infringement, our clients may follow the Uniform Dispute Resolution Arbitration procedures available for domain name disputes, or where possible, may seek to file an infringement action in court.

We take aggressive action against cybersquatters, meta taggers, hyperlinkers and other Internet pirates.

We take aim against unfair competition caused by unscrupulous operators who prey on third-party trademarks to boost their web traffic through the use of infringing keywords and metatags.

In a crowded world of words, can you afford to find out too late that your proposed company, brand or domain name has been a registered trademark and/or domain name in another language? Can you afford to defend an infringement action, or to withstand an international marketing blunder caused by failure to consider the possible translations and transliterations of your company name?

There are many examples of companies wasting time and money adopting a name that is essentially the same as another name translated. For instance, the strength of the ESPRIT line of clothing would make it a foolhardy decision to adopt SPIRIT for clothing since it is a mere English translation of the French word.

Adopting a name without checking on the potential language translations can be both painful and humorous as GM executives learned after they launched their NOVA line of CHEVROLET cars. While Chevys were traditionally popular in Latin American countries, the NOVA was an unusually hard sell, since NO-VA means literally in Spanish: "Does not go, Will not go."

Even the biggest companies are not immune: (COMING SOON) check out our CAPTAIN'S CORNER for more tips, translations and marketing blunders.

Domains Done Right